As a community of the faithful, we are called to live a life of service to God and His Church. At SS Peter & Paul's we believe in using our Time, Talent, and Treasure to help build the Kingdom of God. Be it volunteering for a ministry, attending Liturgies, giving of our time and talents, being present for our families and other parishioners, we ask that all members of SS Peter & Paul's prayerfully discern how they can achieve this goal of living our faith.
Here are just a few ways how you can be involved and give of your time, talent, and treasure to help build God's Kingdom! You an be involved in Liturgical Ministry, or join the Knights of Columbus or St. Anne's group.
God may be calling you serve as a liturgical minister at Mass, and we hope you will prayerfully answer His call! There are many ways you may serve as a liturgical minister; the list of needs are below. Please contact the parish office to get started in a minister role. Thank you for serving our community!
A lector reads and proclaims the First and Second Scripture Readings in the Mass, as well as, the Prayers of the Faithful. This important role brings the Word of God to the congregation. Training is available. To learn more or serve as a lector, please contact the parish office.
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion distributes the Eucharist to the congregation during the Mass. This important role helps bring the Holy Eucharist to the congregation. Training to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is needed as well as a blessing. To learn more or serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact the parish office.
An usher greets and welcomes those arriving to Mass as they enter the church doors. They may also lead parishioners to an open pew if needed. Ushers are also responsible for distributing the collection baskets during Mass and collecting the contributions to be placed in front of the altar. Ushers will dismiss parishioners in pews for Holy Eucharist during the Mass as well, and once again greet parishioners as they leave church. Ushers also have responsibilities before and after Masses. Training is available. To learn more or serve as an usher, please contact the parish office.
A Sacristan helps prepare the altar and church for Mass before, during, and after the Liturgy. This may include, but is not limited to, lighting the candles, turning on the sound system, prepping the hosts and chalices for Holy Communion, locking up the church after Mass, and assisting the Priest in any way. Sacristans are a very important role in making the Mass run smoothly so that the Priest and congregation may remain in peaceful prayer. Training is available. To learn more or serve as a Sacristan, please contact the parish office.
An altar server is typically a young person (Grade 4 and older) who assists the Priest in the Mass. An altar server helps the priest lead the congregation in prayer, prepares the altar and receives the gifts for the Liturgy of the Eucharist, processes in and out of the church with the Priest, among many other tasks that may be asked. Serving at Mass is a wonderful way for a young person to be actively engaged in the Liturgy. Training is available.

Knights of Columbus
Gerhard Bentler Council 13702
Grand Knight—Anthony Rynish (920) 596-0546

St. Anne's Council of Catholic Women